Wednesday, February 7, 2018

History Under Our Feet

History Under Our Feet
by Paul Weiner
South Brunswick Historical Society
Recently avid metal detectorists in New Jersey have uncovered numerous dug examples of the once rare George Washington first inaugural button made in 1789 for use by men he gave it to who served under him in the Revolutionary War or befriended him. The button at that time was looped onto vest coats, three to a side to be worn in some cases by those that came to the country’s first inauguration in New York City on April 30, 1789. In some cases these buttons detached from the vest coats and landed on parade grounds to be encased in soil and lost forever until discovered 5 inches under the ground by a treasurer hunter. One such button classified as A-12 in Alphaeus H. Albert’s Record of American Uniform and Historical Buttons was located in a parade grounds used by American Revolutionary troops in Kingston, New Jersey. The button is fashioned with a heraldic eagle and a six point estoile (star). It is composed of brass, bronze and copper and is 35mm in size. The village of Kingston is contained in South Brunswick Township and Franklin Township and was founded in the early 18th century after purchase of 1,000 acres from Native Americans. The areas was frequented by George Washington who lived about one mile outside town at Rockingham, a historic home still extant. British officers were housed in the town and several small battles took place in the area. The dug button was found near dropped musket balls and colonial coinage such as Spanish reales. A school built in 1926 and a church built in 1723 abut the area. The school and church are located on the Franklin Township side of Kingston.

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