Thursday, January 11, 2018

January 8, 1973--Ordinance for Realignment of Ridge Road

Today in South Brunswick History...
January 8, 1973--Ordinance for Realignment of Ridge Road
by Ed Belding South Brunswick Historical Society
The ordinance to realign and improve Ridge Road was approved by the South Brunswick Town Council on January 8, 1973. This venerable road had been in use since the early 1700's when it stretched from Barefoot Brunson's house near the Millstone River all the way to South River. Before that, legend has it that the dirt road was originally a native-american trail. In the early days of South Brunswick, the road ran from Mapleton Road, south of Kingston, through Monmouth Junction (formerly known as Longbridge Farm) paralleling Heathcote Brook. From there it passed through Dayton (formerly known as Cross Roads). For a time, Ridge Road was also called Monmouth Junction Road or Jamesburg Road. The ordinance, at the start of 1973, had to do with acquiring lands for the realignment project. The original appropriation of funds ($210,000) and issuance of bonds ($110,000) was increased by amendment to $855,000 for appropriations and bonds and notes to $755,000. The improvements would come from the purchase or condemnation of lands where necessity to realign Ridge Road, now also known as Middlesex County Route 522, from Kingston Lane to U. S. Route 1. This particular ordinance did not include new road construction. When all is said and done, the general consensus is that old Ridge Road as Route 522 is a welcome addition for getting from one point in the Township to another.

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